Faith based counseling is very similar to other forms of therapy. It strives to follow sound therapeutic principles and evidence based theories while assessing and treating a person holistically, including emotional, mental, physical, social, relational, and spiritual well being. Because Doors of Hope clients come from all denominations and walks of faith, faith based counseling works to utilize the clients’ spirituality in whatever way the client may find helpful. This could be anything from utilizing principles of Christianity to utilizing spirituality in less traditional ways or anywhere in between. We respect a clients’ spiritual boundaries and autonomy while working to maximize a clients’ resources, including, but not limited to, spirituality. Spirituality holds different meanings for different people, and therefore, the clients’ unique spiritual journey will be assessed, respected, and utilized to promote healing in a way the client finds useful.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is faith based counseling
How do I schedule an appointment?
To schedule an appointment please use the contact form to submit your preferences in therapists and our staff will work to connect you to your best fit. You can also call and a licensed therapist will answer or return your call within 24 hours to help you get started.
How much does counseling cost?
Everyone should have access to mental health services regardless of their insurance provider or lack thereof. Among other reasons listed here, we believe that insurance companies should not dictate the number of sessions or limit the scope of issues that can be addressed in a therapeutic setting. Therefore, we do not work with most major insurance companies. We do however have different practitioners able to accommodate different ability-to-pay scales based on income. Additionally, if you would like to utilize your insurance, we can provide you with a form that you submit to your insurance company to be reimbursed. All payments are due at the time of service (we currently accept cash or check in the agreed upon amount, Visa, American Express, Discover, and Mastercard). When you call to schedule an appointment, you may ask to have an initial phone conversation with one of our therapists about fees and we can discuss any concerns you have at that time.
What kinds of counseling do you offer?
Our therapists are trained to help with many different issues. We are happy to work with you to find the best fit for the presenting problems and number of people coming to the appointment. We have therapists that are experiences in dealing with individual, family, and couples therapy. We also have specialists working with children, addictions, trauma, and we are continuing to bring in new therapists to offer more treatment options.
How do I know that I have found the right fit for therapy?
One of the most important aspects of success in therapy is finding a therapist that you feel comfortable with. Our therapists are happy to talk over the phone to assess best fit and give referrals to help clients get started. The hardest part is often making the first step and we will do what we can to make the process as simple as possible.
How long does therapy take?
Many factors can affect the length of treatment including presenting problems, therapeutic approach, goals and motivation for change. Therapy is usually terminated once the goals established have been met and/or when the client and therapist decide termination is the next step. This process can take weeks to years. Our mission is to work efficiently and effectively to help clients reach their goals.
If I’m not a Christian or even an atheist can I still benefit from Doors of Hope Counseling?
Absolutely! Our therapists are trained to meet clients where they are at with regards to their faith. Meaning that we only utilize and talk about faith to the extent that you desire. And because we are trained in scientific and evidence based theories first and foremost, therapy can be successful even if you prefer that faith be excluded from you and your therapists work together.